17 posts by Nebraska Kale

Not on the Plane, Please

You can’t control if you have gas (for the most part) but you can control where you let it out.  Why do people think that it’s okay to expel gas on the airplane?  It’s not fair to the rest of us: held captive by the noxious fumes, tense and ...

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Don’t Leave Your Shopping Cart in the parking Lot, Please

We’ve all been there - busy shopping mall, grocery store, favorite strip mall sushi place. There’s not much parking, or none at all. You drive slowly eyes surveying the rows full of cars. Then you spot an opening. Lucky you. As you make your way ...

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Please Don’t Put Your Suitcase There

Why do people put their nasty, dirty, grime-encrusted suitcase on my beautiful clean bed spread? Oh – that’s not you? You have a fancy suitcase that you take very good care of? Guess what – it’s dirty. Let’s go through a highly likely ...

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Stop Backing into Parking Spaces

Note: This topic is not targeting those drivers who are highly skilled at backing into parking spaces. These comments are for those who have no business doing it. If you don’t know that you lack this skill, and back into parking spots anyway, ...

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